Research Institute
“Standing on the shoulders of giants”
Minerva Research Insitute
What you will get
We prioritize the development of robust research skills among our members through a series of recurring workshops. These workshops, meticulously organized by Minerva, comprise five distinct modules that cater to diverse facets of academic research. As part of our community sharing goal, we have opened our workshop to any interested person. If you sign up, you will not only be able to participate in the workshop but also receive the available notes and recordings.
The dates and topics are:​​
Research Tools (19th Sep): template and know-how of Qualtrics, tour of Zotero and related tools, Research Rabbit, MathPix,...
Presented by Minerva
R Beginner (3rd Oct): regression analysis, create and export tables, descriptive statistics.
Presented by Minerva
Academic Writing (21st Nov): How to structure a paper and each section, what makes good arguments, APA7 and plagiarism.
Presented by Doc. John Harbord and/or Minerva​
Latex (3rd Dec): how to set up a paper on Overleaf, get a UM valid APA7 style template.
Presented by Ass. Prof. Julian Ashwin and/or Minerva​
Bonus: for participants taking the "Full Workshop Series" package, you will receive the digital presentation of our Research Design workshop (what is research, different types of research, how to choose a research topic and formulate it) by Minerva.
Together, these workshops embody the Minerva Research Institute's commitment to fostering a well-rounded and skilled research community.